Guangdong Youzu Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
Home » Noticias » Celebrate the successful convening of the general meeting of the Shunde District Lighting Electricians Association and the first general meeting of the third session!!

Celebrate the successful convening of the general meeting of the Shunde District Lighting Electricians Association and the first general meeting of the third session!!

He 27 February, the General Meeting of the Shunde Lighting Electricians Association and the first general meeting of the third session with the topic of “Creation, Share and earn” were held at the Marriott Hotel, Shunde Midea.

This activity strengthens communication and interaction between members, further enhances the overall cohesion of Shunde lighting electrician industry and creates a good atmosphere for mutual cooperation between companies. YOUZU machinery, as the directing unit of the Association, attended Mr.. Hong Haokun, general manager of the company, and Mr.. Hong Zehong, Executive vice-president.

Mr. Liang Xiqiang, the new president of the Association, gave an inaugural speech

The association has organized a large number of business management courses for companies

At 19:00 from that night, officially entered the charity award ceremony of Shunde District Lighting Electricians Association. Wu Xianqiang, Director of the District Economic and Technological Promotion Office, Ouyang Cuiyun, Deputy Director of the District Market Supervision Administration, Tan Fengxian, Deputy Secretary of the Party Work Committee and Director of the Leliu Office Office, Huang Yuheng, member of the Leliu Street Party Working Committee, office director, Liang Weihua, Director of Leliu Branch of District Security Production Supervision Administration, Wu Daoqian, Deputy Director of Leliu Subdistrict Office, y Wu Wenfeng, President of Guangdong Lighting Association, and other leaders, guests and member representatives gathered to witness and encourage companies to continue donating love to society and continue to contribute to the development of the association.

Honorary presidents Lu Zhixin and Wu Zhaoming jointly presented plaques to the association's new directors
YOUZU Machinery representative accepts the awarded plaque

Shu Zhiyong, general secretary of the Shunde Charitable Association, y Hu Wenyong, general secretary of our association, jointly awarded charity medals to companies
YOUZU machinery representative accepts the medal.

Group photo of Council members.

Group photo of all members of the association.

Finally, I wish the association to continue advancing and creating greater glories under the leadership of the new Council.