Guangdong Youzu Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
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Build defense with “exercise” and fight with “practice” | YOUZU fire drill in floods and fires

To reinforce the daily fire safety awareness of YOUZU employees and check whether the company's fire safety emergency measures and equipment can be effectively implemented, YOUZU held a large-scale fire safety drill on the afternoon of 26 October 2023.

This activity is mainly divided into two parts: fires and floods. Activities mainly include:

1. Simulate flood danger and effectively organize disaster relief

Moving sandbags, piling arena bags, distributing and installing water deflectors, employees cooperate with each other, and the installation speed is very fast, which is greatly shortened compared to the planned drilling time.

2. Explain and demonstrate in detail the installation and use of fire hydrants in the field.

Employees work in groups of three, open the water valve of the fire hydrant, place and connect the water pipe, firmly hold the water pipe and resist water pressure.

The column of water sprayed the sky, adding beautiful scenery to the autumn atmosphere and bringing the drill atmosphere to a climax.

3. Summary

YOUZU employees are slow, full of confidence, organized in the workplace, with a clear division of labor and responsibility towards people.

Action is better than words.

This fire drill combines theory with practice, and gives employees more realistic sensations and more practical guidance on operation, in order to improve fire awareness and familiarize yourself with safety techniques in case of emergency.
Besides, The drill also tested the emergency response ability of YOUZU employees and the ability of top leaders to organize, coordinate and command on site in the event of safety accidents, so everyone can talk about safety and everyone can respond to emergencies.