Guangdong Youzu Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
Home » Noticias » Guangdong Business advanced seminar members came to YOUZU to guide and exchange

Guangdong Business advanced seminar members came to YOUZU to guide and exchange

In the morning of 24 October 2018, members of Guangdong Advanced Business Seminar, accompanied by Hong Haokun, president of YOUZU Company (Figure 1: 8 on the left) and Hong Zehong, Executive vice-president (Figure 1: 3ra to the left ), visited and studied the first and second production bases of YOUZU company.

After the visit, a group of people had an in-depth exchange in the training room of the second production base. During the meeting, seminar members took turns expressing their views, fully affirmed YOUZU's rapid development and achievements in recent years, and gave relevant and meaningful suggestions for the future development of YOUZU.

Thank you very much for sharing the experience given by the members of the Guangdong Advanced Business Seminar, so we can gather wisdom. YOUZU will continue to assume the corporate mission, Don't forget your initiative mind and move ahead!